That’s good to know, but I’ve never seen a candidate for elective office run a more secretive campaign. No ballot statement, no info posted on voters edge, no campaign finance filings. It’s almost as if he wants voters to know as little about himself and what he’d actually do as mayor as possible. He did provide some info on his website, but it was mostly vague generalities and stuff that’s not practical, like making public the candidates for police chief when personnel hires are by their nature confidential.

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On his campaign Facebook page, Ayers also explains that the lack of campaign finance filings is because he doesn't accept contributions ... he says " I HAVE NOT COLLECTED A SINGLE DIME FROM ANYONE". Well, I guess when you don't have a union PAC or $10K of cannabis money behind you, what you get is a stealth campaign. It's unfortunate that he hasn't made better use of (free) social media ... the voters still need to know who you are and what you stand for.

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But what about the cat people ? Why aren't they represented.

* sarcasm*

Thanks for having some fun with it.

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Some people speculated that Michael Ayers missed the Campbell Theater debate because of the vaccine requirement at the venue. Well, you put his absence, his Republican affiliation, and some of his supporters' anti-vax protestations together and that is a conclusion one might draw. But if you look at Ayers' campaign Facebook page, he's posted a picture of his vaccination card ... two shots plus a booster. He says he was out of town at the time of the debate visiting his newly born grandchild. But yes, he is a Republican.

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