On the topic of the election, interesting piece in East Bay Times today arguing that Martinez's mayoral election (in which the winning candidate received less than one-quarter of all votes cast) illustrates the need for ranked-choice voting. I tend to agree (or with getting rid of mayoral elections altogether and having the position rotate among council members, as is the case in most surrounding cities). Curious what others think?


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Craig: Thanks for the great writing. I might be interested in donating. Have to consider. But, wonder if you might consider a community effort to revive a real newspaper (even if just digital) in Martinez? Or, perhaps writing for Martinez Patch which already seems to have advertising support? Just thoughts.

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Craig: Thank you for covering news about Martinez. I feel your opinions are fair. I would be interested in donating a smaller amount - say $1 per month. Most folks can afford $1 and hopefully that would generate enough to hire additional reporters. You might consider looking into crowdfunding or a grant.

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