Technical problems plague council meeting; Federal Glover to chair BOS in 2024, but supervisors engage in heated debate over choice of vice chair, leadership rotation; traffic safety survey available
Regarding the Homeless situation ... Gwen Monroe has some recent posts in Martinez Rants and Raves on Facebook about her experiences with the City, the police, and CORE trying to solve the problem of "Joe" who sleeps in the doorway of her business and often leaves behind an unsanitary mess. Very revealing. For those who don't follow Facebook, perhaps you could cover her experience here, or share her Facebook posts (with permission).
I believe she spoke at the council meeting. One of the council members referenced her in their remarks. Unfortunately, without any audio, I couldn't hear the public comments where this was brought up and didn't have much context for this writeup. Hopefully, the city will be able to get a video posted at some point. I'm sure the city manager will have an update at the next council meeting based on his visit down there on Friday. I'll try to write more on this issue at some point and look up what she's shared on FB.
fixed typo in second paragraph of county supervisors item. Federal Glover will be chair in 2024.
All I can say about the BOS is OY VEY!
Regarding the Homeless situation ... Gwen Monroe has some recent posts in Martinez Rants and Raves on Facebook about her experiences with the City, the police, and CORE trying to solve the problem of "Joe" who sleeps in the doorway of her business and often leaves behind an unsanitary mess. Very revealing. For those who don't follow Facebook, perhaps you could cover her experience here, or share her Facebook posts (with permission).
I believe she spoke at the council meeting. One of the council members referenced her in their remarks. Unfortunately, without any audio, I couldn't hear the public comments where this was brought up and didn't have much context for this writeup. Hopefully, the city will be able to get a video posted at some point. I'm sure the city manager will have an update at the next council meeting based on his visit down there on Friday. I'll try to write more on this issue at some point and look up what she's shared on FB.