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Very interesting stuff here, Craig. The housing info is so frustrating and I can’t help but attribute the lack of doing anything to the previous mayor. I realize it takes more than one person to make decisions but it leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I read somewhere in the SF Chron that anyone making $100,000 is considered “low income” in the Bay Area or at least in SF. Isn’t that obnoxious?

The thing that gets me is that the new homes that are being built in Martinez, are selling for over a $1 mil! How are people expected to compete with that? We have lived in our home for 47 years and have seen our value grow exponentially. People are angry at us oldsters for hanging onto our homes for so long. They want us to live in 55 and older communities. We love our home and it’s character near downtown. I would love to see housing where you have all groups , diverse in race, in incomes, in ages, be able to live together in units that they feel safe and free in. There would be a sense of helping one another out. I guess it’s too idealistic to wish for, right?

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