That’s such great news about Brianne! She will bring a fresh perspective to our town.

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If 100% of the votes have been counted to determine Mayor and City Council winners, how can Measure K be too close to call? Stuff like that is what makes people suspect shenanigans in elections. Unpopular opinion maybe but I hope K fails to pass. Since we bought our home in 1998 there have been continual Martinez School Bonds on our property taxes. And now multiple tax assessments. Measure K would make 3 Bonds (taxes).

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It was too close to call before the latest ballot count. That’s no longer the case. It failed. There’s only a very small number of votes to be counted countywide.

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The writing is ambiguous K had a boost but the gain appears short.

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There will be a seat to fill as a council member Zorn’s seat is now vacant. It is logical to have an election or appointment of someone from district 2 or 3.

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Zorn. It is in the previous Lazzarrati Election message where he provides copies of the campaign finances.

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Thanks for sharing the update!

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Thank you, Craig, for all of your reporting!

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Thank you Julian Frazer for donating $1,000 at the end.

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Donating to who?

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